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january 2024 - i've done this route without the bus. ended up being around 50 mi in total from capitol hill in seattle. route below.


thrilla by bus (Feb 20, 2023)

i was looking for some gravel routes for jaytee and i to go get dirty on this weekend that wouldn't require us to drive. neither one of us have ideal car setups to take bikes outta town. i found this route called "thrilla route" on ride with gps.The route had a ton of gravel and was just what i was looking for. i have a base familiarity with the buses that go out east to redmond and the roads i'd have to take to get back there. i found some neighborhood greenways on google maps to minimize time on those suburban roads. i talked kelly into joining us (didnt take much) and they both blindly joined my route luckily!

a lil wet descent into uw from capitol hill. i am trying out a wald basket and bag set up, had to indulge myself on a photo. bag is from fifth season.

loadin up on the 542 after nerding out on kellys new goodweather bicycle.

nintendo offices were on the route. had to stop by. they got a whole dang wii sports complex goin on out there. i got in the wrong line of work...

found a gas station to get supplies. no whiskey, but a red blend will do. jaytee also got his hands on some new sparkly gloves after he lost his on our last ride.

the redmond business park streets were quiet on a sunday morning, but we were still glad to get a lil dirt trail appetizer. Bridle Crest Trail.

we had to wind through some streets on the border between kirkland and redmond, made ou way down to a cul-de-sac, and connected with another neighborhood greenway that got us to the powerline trail. mostly paved up to this portion. wet outside, but no rain.

the first of a couple hike a bikes on the powerline trail. i told you they followed me blindly on this ride. still all smiles.

for the most part we had the powerline trail all to ourselves. we saw a handful of people walking, some with dogs. There were some fun little hill bombs to skid and catch a lil air off the lumber retaining lips.

we were cruising down those hill bombs and rattling our bikes. Kelly luckily heard her fender getting loose and stopped before she lost her bolts! a lil roadside maintenance. she handled it.

the maintenance gave us a minute to indulge on some snacks. i'm starting a french bicycle club. the premise is i bring fancy cheese, a baguette, and cured meats. cheese can only be cut by an opinel knife in this club. contact me if you'd like to join.

riding fenderless at this point in the ride was going fine. more on that later... if you look at the map, we had just crossed avondale rd ne.

found some horses!

wine on the go.

i've only heard legend of alpacas on farms out here in the pnw. caught my first glimpse!

and so begins the ride through the trails in the redmond watershed preserve. this was for sure the best part of the ride. dense old growth forests, fresh air, winding paths, it had it all!

the atlantis' second trail ride. lovin this bike.

this bag is also pretty solid.

another snack break before we begin the tolt pipeline portion. kelly was told by a friend this is a winter mountain biker training ground.

jaytee moded his 7/11 gloves for smartphone screen technology.

like the other trails we hit that day, we mostly had them to ourselves. we saw a few folks out, even some horse riders!

we got some even more intense hill bombs on this trail, those were great! had only one grueling hill climb to contend with. This descent beyond the crest pictured here was pretty gnarly.

after the tolt, we linked with the sammamish river trail. a scene of bordering land uses with encroaching commercial uses to the west and old farm land to the east.

as soon as we got to 124th st, we realized we should have gone a bit further and gotten on the east rail trail instead. if we did, we could have stayed on bike path, but now had to contend with cars blaring by at 45 miles an hour next to us in a narrow and unprotected bike lane. oh well, we learned what to do next time!

got onto the east rail trail, but had to detour for the construction of the new cross kirkland corridor bridge.

haven't seen the bridge yet, but it looks like its coming along!

we finished up the ride on the cross kirkland corridor. the section going through the google campus was new to me! looking pretty wild.

guess who doesn't have fenders?

i'll be investing in some this week...

the ckc drops you out right by the bus. we managed to grab one within 5 minutes of gettin to the station.

a lil hose off in the backyard and were lookin good again!

dave was stoked to go pee.

a good solid day of riding! always nice to stay on trails, and not need a car to get there. i left my house at about 9 am and got back around 3:45 pm. jaytee and i loaded up on some wings and beer to recharge.

c r a w d a d c o l l e c t i v e